What Is The Lyran Council Of ZeTe?

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Ashe and the Council

The Lyran Council of ZeTe is a collective group of Lyran of several vibratory states (not all of them are 4D, some are higher) that focus on the understanding, study, and evolution of the ZeTe System.

ZeTe simply means System of All. It is the mechanical way in which consciousness and reality co-create together.

Their Mission

  • Grow the ZeTe System by incorporating Humanity’s intelligence.
  • Teach the ZeTe System for humanity’s evolution and benefit.
  • Reminds humanity that they are not separate from the Earth, and their evolution is a part of the planet’s own process.

Ashe is the main representative of the Lyran Council that I am currently in contact with, though there are others such as Aradhana. They are here to help bring in understanding for the next phase of human consciousness and evolution.

According to Ashe, for humanity to vibrate at a level close enough for full contact, direct contact, with many of our star family, and other dimensional beings we share space with, we must understand who and what we are in the scope of co-creation itself. The ZeTe System is a practical structure of comprehension that bridges the esoteric and scientific. It offers both creative and pragmatic vibrations so that both neurotypical and neurodiverse people can benefit from it.

As a member of the Lyran Council of ZeTe, myself, my role is to transcribe and connect humanity to this elegant, and widely understood system. Incarnate in a human body, my Lyran soul is connected to the council and through that connection I transcribe and create systems and elements that function in the human ZeTeDe (structure).

It is an honor and privilege to be human at this time of great change.