How Is The ZeTe System Compare To Metaphysics And Science?

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ZeTe Fundamentals

The ZeTe System’s fundamental layout is required for baseline understanding. This allows for cognitive control over the system rather than wishful thinking and muddied manifestation. Once the system is understood it starts to build unconscious trust and that trust allows the system to simply in the background. That means no more wishing and begging the universe to give you what you need, but knowing it will no matter what happens.

How does this relate to Metaphysics and Science?

In a way this is a bridge between the two. Science is explaining what has emerged and solidified into reality, while Metaphysics is trying to explain the whole system through a lens of metaphors. Neither is a perfect system but they aren’t wrong, either. Science doesn’t have the tools, yet, to see the full mechanics of reality. Metaphysics doesn’t have the practical verbiage to anchor the mechanics into a rational and cognitive framework.

The ZeTe System acts as a bridge between the two distinct fields, and brings them into a spectrum and harmony.

Remember, reality is experiential. It builds itself based on our reactions to what happens, and the next iteration of the build is based on those responses. What we strive for, unconsciously as the ZeTeKa’s extension of curiosity and action, is the experience that anchors in the four bodies: Spirit, Emotional, Mental, Physical.

The Bodies

Spirit: This field is infinitely expanded and connects directly into the communication field, the ZeTeDi. It works with the Mental body to produce the imagination and carries information back and froth from the ZeTeKa.

Mental: The mental body analyzes and stores data based on the lived human experience. It also creates inner reality that triggers emotions and behavioral patterns. The Mental body is 3rd in expansion, mainly limited to the space around our physical bodies.

Emotional: This is the 2nd largest field we have, and is the largest that is of a finite size. The emotional body is an engine that packages and sends data through the ZeTeDi to the ZeTeKa in order to inform it how what the next iteration of the ZeTeDe should be. It interacts with the mental and physical bodies to produce things like health and mental states of being.

Physical: We are all aware of this, in fact, we’ve put too much into it! The physical body is the densest, and least expansive field that makes up what we are. It is a collaboration of physical matter, sentient beings (bacteria, viruses, human cells) that work in harmony to hold a vessel for all the other bodies to emanate from.

The System in Comparison

Here is a comparison of the ZeTe System based on metaphysical and scientific ideology. This is a rough comparison but it gets the idea across.


• ZeTeOm

• ZeTeKa

• ZeTeDe

• ZeTeDi

• ZeTeRa

• ZetaRaka


• Dimensionailty

• Higher-Self

• Manifestation

• Communication

• Individual Soul

• Enlightenment


• Known Reality

• Consciousness

• Physics

• Quantum Field

• Individual Person

• Cognitive Expansion