The Power of the ZeTe System: Cognitive Reality Control

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When we cognize something to be true it becomes a fundamental part of our lives.

Cognition is the act of mentally digesting a concept so well and so deeply that we grow instinctive abilities to simply see it in everyday life. Once the ZeTe System is cognized the repeating fractals of emergent reality become obvious and clear. It is less a struggle to understand and more an ease at simply observing. Once it is an observable part of life it becomes a part of habit and lives within the parts of us that trust it to support us.

Reality is an unfolding fractal process that can be guided through focus.

Here are three takeaways:

  • Cognitive Comprehension: Understanding the ZeTe System brings unconscious trust and expectation for it to simply be there and work.
  • Unconscious Trust: Once unconscious trust is gained the system begins to work without effort, simply by knowing it and expecting it to work.
  • Building Cognitive Control: How do we build cognitive control so we can begin to seat trust and comprehension into us?

Other Manifestation Practices

“You must trust that it will come to be in the same way you trust gravity. If you do not trust it without effort, it is not truly a cognitive trust because you are still in the process of wish fulfillment.” – Ashe

The idea of ‘wishing‘ and ‘aligning‘ to something to make it manifest is fundamentally true but practically ridiculous. Wanting something and managing to trust that it will appear are two entirely different things.

Cognitive Comprehension

The process of comprehension comes from learning. Though you can always start with the surface level of understanding in any system, it is imperative to learn the depths of it for cognitive comprehension to truly seat withing the psyche. Think of it like this: you had to likely take a good amount of time practicing driving, painting, or typing to get your body to respond automatically. To do that you had to have a cognitive understanding of what those systems required and how they operated in the experienced reality you live in.

No one just sat down and drove perfectly, knowing what signs meant, how to handle red, yellow, and green lights, or what the protocol is for merging into traffic. It takes study and practice but after the information seats itself in the subconscious it becomes second nature. Soon one can infer what a sign means on the road even if it isn’t stylistically standard, such as a teal stop sign.

Unconscious Trust

When something is so expected it moves into unconscious trust. For example, you trust gravity. You know that if you jump up, you will land. There is an unconscious trust in driving, too, that when you hit the breaks it will stop the car. You don’t need to know the mathematical formulas for gravity, or the mechanical structure of the car, to have this trust.

When we have unconscious trust it means we are consciously moving out of the way. Self-sabotage is less likely. The idea that it ‘couldn’t be’ is removed entirely. This is the level of trust one has to have to manifest through the emergent field of reality. When we simply trust without question in the fundamental mechanics of the ZeTe System we are allowing it to function free of mixed signals and muddy input. When we have questions and hesitations it mixes the signals and what emerges from the ZeTeDe, the emergent experiential reality we live in, can be chaotic, but never out of alignment with what we projected.

Building Cognitive Control

The first, and easiest, method to build this cognitive control, beginning the process of Cognitive Comprehension and Unconscious Trust, lies in repetition. First, understand the primary factors of the ZeTe itself. Can you imagine a never ending, growing, fractal that expands in all directions, both outward, and inward by building complexity?